Vision, Mission & Objectives

Sri Ahobila Math Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya

Vision 2024

  • To Develop ASM/ASSS as a world class Institution with a view to establish the glory of Sanskrit learning and research at global context.
Sri Ahobila Math Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya

Mission 2024

  • All round development of relevant branches of Sanskrit learning and availability of Sanskrit resources through modern systems.
  • Upliftment of linguistic diversity and cultural plurality while arranging for teaching and research in Sanskrit in the context of their mutual cultural inter-relationship.
  • Preservation and upliftment of the philosophical and scientific elements in the knowledge systems of Sanskrit & connecting other languages and ensuring their availability through the equipment of information and communication technology while establishing the relationship of these knowledge systems with cultural legacy.
Sri Ahobila Math Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya


The objectives of the ASM/ASSS shall be to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional, research and extension facilities to the promotion of Sanskrit Language and such other branches of learning as it may deem fit; to make special provisions for integrated courses in humanities, social sciences and science in its educational programmes; to take appropriate measures for promoting innovations in teaching-learning process and interdisciplinary studies and research; to educate and train manpower for the overall development, promotion, preservation and research in the field of Sanskrit, especially in Sanskrit traditional subjects. The objectives for which the ASM/ASSS is established are to propagate, develop and encourage traditional Sanskrit learning, research and in pursuance thereof;

Our Mission & Vision

Sri Ahobila Math Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya

The people and resources at Sri Ahobila Math Veda Prabandha Sastra Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Madurantakam are dedicated to live by the following mission statements.


  1. Societal — we continuously produce competent human resource for the prosperity of community.
  2. Students — we provide traditional high-quality education in Indian Sastras that gives immense value to our students.
  3. Economical we operate the Institution on a sound financial basis so as to enjoy self-sufficiency and autonomy.
  4. Ethical we strive to achieve the stated goals through dedication, honesty, passion, values and service.
  5. Administration we, through leadership, innovation, focus and team work, are dedicated to continuously improving worthiness of the inmates with quality first administration.

We believe that:

  1. Lord Sri Lakshminrisimha Himself does everything for His pleasure and we are all just instruments in His hands.
  2. H.H. Azhagiyasingars’ of Sri Ahobila Math are the strong spiritual force guiding us on aspects throughout our journey and we are totally indebted to them.
  3. Our traditional life style and values must be preserved, nurtured and encouraged.
  4. We have the societal responsibility to produce the best human resource in coordination with parents, students, teachers, partners and our community.
  5. The inmates of our Institution are the most valuable resource at our disposal.
  6. By providing the inmates with a safe and fulfilling environment they get an opportunity to learn and develop their personality.
  7. Competency is an essential means of sustaining our stature in this competitive world. 
  8. In the modern world, both our education system and the aspiration of the students have inherent worth and deserve our respect.
  9. Our mission is still relevant and we will be successful in realizing our vision irrespective of the challenges.
  10. The objective of the Institution and our services are very unique and worthwhile and that we can sustain this belief even today with an ongoing commitment to innovation and modernization.